MLM Software
Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing technique in which the sales compel is compensated not only for sales they individually generate, but also for the sales of others they sponsor, creating a network of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple stages of pay out. Other terms for MLM include chart selling, network marketing and affiliate marketing.
- Highly personalized as per the requirements of the company.
- Ability for the MLM company to calculate their actual costing/Profit and enrolling amount per member by means of the software.
- Comprehensive reporting components.
- Ability to complete whole MLM calculation including the most crucial points for a binary plan.
- Per pair Revenue.
- Upper limit /Capping limit.
- Royalty Control.
- Awards benefits Management.
- Online Enrollment
- Online Reports
- Online Ancestry
- Online Member Account
- Online Welcome Letter
- TDS estimations
- Incentive Estimations
- TDS records
- Product Distribution
- Bonus Voucher
- Online Text messaging
- Online Receipt Stats (Graphical)
- Records Check